New program provides help finding scholarships to Cherokee students

December 23, 2011

Often, high school students have interest in attending college after graduation, but are unsure of whether they can pay the cost of tuition. As colleges continue to increase the price of earning a degree, many students are turning away from this option and attempting to enter the workforce without a higher education.
However, one program is attempting to make it a little easier for Cherokee students - the Cherokee Nation College Resource Center.…


Making your way through college without a full-time job

December 23, 2011

There's nothing worse than attempting to balance college and a full-time job, but many students have to do so in order to curb the cost of tuition. As schools continue to raise the price of attending their institutions, it's making it more difficult for individuals to afford a higher education.
If you've attempted to hold down a full-time job but have found it difficult to manage, you're not out of solutions.…


Immokalee students receive scholarships to work toward degrees

December 22, 2011

Many individuals struggle to pay for college, which can put people in debt if they cannot afford to pay back education loans following graduation. However, more sponsors are developing scholarship and grant programs to help people afford the cost of earning a degree, which can be motivating for those who have dreams of pursuing a higher education.
Recently, 27 students in Immokalee, Florida received scholarships through the Take Stock in Children Program, according to CBS affiliate WINK News Now.…


Using your bilingual skills to qualify for college scholarships

December 22, 2011

Although many individuals think that they don't have the talent and skill to win scholarships and college grants, there are many cash prizes out there that are designed to fit unique applicants - U.S. News and World Report says that you just have to look.
One of the most overlooked traits that could be worthy of scholarships is being bilingual. The ability to speak more than one language can not only help you in a future job, but provide you with the financial means to attend college.…


Financial resources for low-income high school graduates

December 22, 2011

If you're interested in attending college after high school, you're not alone. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that between 1975 and 1997, the percentage of individuals who enrolled in college right after high school increased from 51 to 67 percent. Within a little more than a decade, more people were interested in obtaining a higher education.
However, college is not always an option for children who grow up in low-income families.…


Finding the financial means to go back to college and earn a master’s degree

December 22, 2011

If you have a bachelor's degree but are interested in furthering your career, you might want to return to school. However, it can be difficult to pay for a higher education, especially if you're still in debt from applying for education loans.
There are a few ways that you can make your dreams of earning a master's degree come true. First, consider deferring on your current student loans to return to school.…


Examining the benefits of earning a bachelor’s degree

December 22, 2011

If you thought about going to college but have put this goal on the back burner, there are a couple of reasons to reconsider your decision. Although earning a postsecondary education can be expensive, the value of a degree is something that you can take with you throughout your lifetime.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that in 2010, Americans with a bachelor's degree made approximately $1,038 on a weekly basis.…


How to attend college despite coming from a large family

December 22, 2011

It's not uncommon for families with more than one child to struggle to send their kids to college. More children means more tuition costs and fees, which can be financially hard on families that are already strapped for cash. If you're a high school student who wants to go to college, regardless of how many siblings you have, there are a few ways you can make it happen.…


Cal State students from military families receive much-needed scholarships

December 21, 2011

It can be difficult to pay for tuition and fees to attend college for those who are strapped for cash, and it can be even tougher for students coming from military families. Often, these individuals are living in households with only one breadwinner while the other parent is serving in the armed forces.
In an effort to help local students interested in attending college, eight students in the San Bernardino area of California recently received financial assistance to earn degrees, according to the San Bernardino Sun.…


Scholarships awarded to students interested in cyber security

December 21, 2011

Many people have a strong interest in cyber security and computers, but do not have the financial means to expand upon their passion by attending college. Without an ample amount of money, it can be difficult to pay for tuition and attend a reputable postsecondary institution.
In an effort to provide prospective students with more learning opportunities, the International Informations Systems Security Certification Consortium recently gave out scholarships to applicants interested in cyber security, according to Federal News Radio.…