Archive | March, 2013

College information goes mobile

March 29, 2013

When single mothers choose between schools, the financial aid for college available is often the deciding factor. However, visiting the campus is an important step to make certain that the school is the right fit for a prospective student before enrollment.
Prior to visiting, individuals should do careful research of the schools. New technologies have made this process easier. Additionally, for those who may find it hard to get to the campus itself, these advancements provide information on the schools in organized detail.…


Save money with a technical degree

March 29, 2013

There are many reasons to choose a certain degree, and one may be financial. High school students looking ahead to college may often wonder what to pursue. Parents returning to school have the same choice to face, in addition to the responsibilities of family life and the question of how to pay for classes.
Especially for mothers with families to provide for, getting money for college is a definite benefit. Undergraduate scholarships aid in this department, and recent trends in the education world mean parents can also save.…


Finding a school with overall value

March 27, 2013

One of the best tips for college is finding a school that you can see yourself attending, in terms of the university itself and its cost. Martha O'Connell, executive director of Colleges That Change Lives, provided NPR with tips on choosing the right college and explained that individuals can in fact decide based on value and economy.
Schools, on the whole, have upped their cost in recent years.…


Merit-based scholarships under scrutiny

March 26, 2013

A new approach to scholarships and financial aid for college is in the works. By diminishing the prevalence of merit-based scholarships, many experts believe that overall tuition costs may decrease, allowing students from a wider range of income brackets to enter school. 
A pact for change
According to NPR, many schools offer large sums of money for college in order to lure the best students.…


Big companies seek former female employees

March 22, 2013

With the unemployment rate hovering near 8 percent, it is easy to get discouraged in terms of finding a job. Because of the responsibilities of parenthood, many mothers understandably hesitate to leave home to work. Yet, as more companies are hiring women, making this move may be easier than imagined. College scholarships for women that would put mothers in candidacy for these positions assist them in this endeavor.…


Streamlined college programs help busy parents

March 22, 2013

One of the tips for college that many students overlook is finding a way to balance work and school. Though financial aid for moms helps save money, parents often need to hold their jobs while attending school. Finding condensed and flexible courses helps create enough time to do this.
Community colleges condense courses 
Many community colleges offer this sort of streamlined approach to education. Short-term classes with more condensed material free up time for parents to focus on work. 
The American Association of Community Colleges recently highlighted a return-to-school trend among baby boomers, noting that streamlined programs can help this demographic realize their educational goals while handling home and work responsibilities.…


Facebook COO pushes women to take the lead

March 19, 2013

Sheryl Sandberg's new book "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will To Lead" encourages women to join and move up within the workforce. The Facebook COO's call is to women on the whole: whether single, married, with children, or without. Degree options for mothers, which scholarship-steered financial planning for college produces, would lead a whole new wave of women down the path of female assertiveness.
Uniting with Sandberg for change
A self-proclaimed feminist, Sandberg has created a stir with her publication. Her criticism of women hanging back in the working world has been controversial.…


Average students seeking grants for education should be self-reliant

March 12, 2013

An individual currently in the process of applying for a scholarship for college may enter the classroom at a time when the brightest students have begun to help their less gifted peers, but for those who are already experiencing college scholarship opportunities, it may be important to work independently through whatever obstacles they face.
Study clubs attract top students only
Socio-economic inequality forms a great divide in today's college ecosystem, according to Manuel Cebrian, a researcher working for the University of California San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering.…


Student grants for college can lead to different careers than expected

March 7, 2013

Prospective students seeking grants for education don't have to worry if they decide to switch career paths during college - academic changes are normal, and career services are there to help.
Finding yourself is a main priority
Patricia Hunt, the president of HR consulting firm First Beacon Group, said a student who changes his or her mind during school is not setting up for failure, but rather, in many cases, success.…