Study tips for new college students

September 13, 2012

One of the biggest challenges you'll face as a college student is the intense study schedule that comes with many majors. And while the prospect of starting a new academic life can make some people nervous, it also gives you the chance to learn about subjects that interest you. To give yourself the best chance for a successful transition, getting into the right study habits will prove to be crucial. Here are three tips from experts at Seventeen Magazine to help you on your road to a diploma.

Study time can be game time!
Let’s face it - sometimes studying can be a real pain in the neck. To liven up the routine, consider turning a list of facts into a fun trivia style game such as Jeopardy. The magazine suggests working with a group of people and turning the learning experience into something that you can enjoy at the same time. It can also turn into a way to win prizes, if each person decides to throw in some money and give the person with the highest score some sort of reasonably purchased item.

Turn notes into a story
Reading the same notes over and over again can not only leave you frustrated, but is often not an effective way of learning material. Even if you're not the most creative person in the world, creating a story that follows the common narrative arc seen in most literature will allow your brain to see the material in a new way. It can even be a way to have some fun during periods of high stress, when the test is just a few days away.

Take breaks when needed
According to some education experts, getting into the right study habits means taking necessary breaks every once and a while and breaking up large projects. In an interview with U.S. News and World Report, school psychologist and behavioral therapist Natascha Santos says that being able to complete tasks in less-intense increments is helpful.

"Don't dump it all in one piece, but break it up into smaller tasks," she said in an interview with the source. "Be proactive, so it doesn't come crashing down."

Setting yourself up for success at the beginning of the academic year will help ensure that good grades come your way. In some cases, if you've been given money for college through a scholarship or other aid packages, maintaining a certain grade point average will be required.

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