What you need to know about college relationships

May 4, 2012

While figuring out your college scholarship opportunities and course requirements are important preliminary steps as you enter your freshman year, much of your attention is likely focused on the social component of dorm life. In addition to making new friends, you may be wondering what sort of romantic encounters your school has in store for you. But before you go searching for your soul mate or a simple fling, here are some things you should know about college relationships.

Though there's no hard and fast rule that says maintaining a long distance relationship in college is impossible, the reality is that most tend not to last. Despite sophisticated means of staying connected through social media, cell phones and email, it's incredibly difficult to balance a college social life with a girlfriend or boyfriend who is hundreds of miles away. Even those couples that make it past freshman year rarely survive the closer graduation looms.

If you don't have any ties to a high school sweetheart going into college, you may feel like now is the perfect time to seek out a new relationship. However, this may not be the best idea during the early portion of your college life. Most young people are experiencing unprecedented freedom and liberation for the first time, which makes some people less willing to commit to a boyfriend or girlfriend right away. While you could very well find someone, don't feel pressured to do so as soon as possible - just have fun and let relationships unfold naturally. You're better off searching for a solid group of friends than a relationship as a freshman.

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