Three ways to become a better student in college

May 11, 2012

While you may have performed well academically in high school, the prospect of challenging college courses can seem intimidating to even the most confident students. Many incoming freshman worry that doing poorly in class will put them in jeopardy of failing out of school or losing scholarships opportunities. Here are some tips if you're looking for ways to improve your academic prowess during freshman year.

Find a place to study
You might be surprised about how much your environment can dictate the course of your studies during college. While studying in your dorm room seems like an obvious choice, this can actually be one of the most distracting areas due to your roommate and floor mates['] close proximity. Seek out quiet, comfortable areas like a coffee shop, corner of the library or grassy spot on campus where you can study in peace.

Befriend professors
One great way to get ahead in your classes is by establishing a friendly rapport with the professor. Not only will this indicate that you're an eager learner, but you'll also discover the benefit of attending office hours to go into further detail about material you covered in class.

Join a study group
If you discover that you're having trouble in a particular class or subject, look into joining a study group. Many students organize these study sessions throughout the semester or in advance of major projects and exams, so ask around among your classmates to find one that's right for you.

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