New Jersey college fair helps families examine available financial resources

November 22, 2011

Many high school students know they want to attend college, but are at a loss when it comes to beginning the process. In addition to selecting the right school and choosing a major, individuals must have a solid idea of how they plan to pay for tuition and fees.

Parents who have never sent a child to a postsecondary instution before have found helpful information at local college and career fairs in the past. It's for this reason that the College and Financial Aid Event organized by the Paterson Public Schools Parent Resource Center in New Jersey returned for a second year to help families with the process, according to The Alternative Press.

The event was held at the International High School and had more than 150 attendees. Approximately 17 colleges and universities were represented at the conference to provide individuals with more information about the financial aid process.

Although education loans can help curb the cost of tuition, college grants and scholarships are a more viable option for students. This money does not have to be repaid after graduation, meaning recipients don't have to worry about outstanding debt. 

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