Minimizing travel expenses in college

May 17, 2012

As a college student, you'll likely be finding every and any way possible to save money. While applying for scholarship opportunities is a great method for reducing the costs of tuition, it won't cover non-academic expenses. If you're planning on attending a school that's miles away from your hometown, you'll soon discover that traveling back and forth during holidays and vacations can cost a pretty penny. Here are some tips for minimizing the costs of traveling during college.

If you're lucky enough to own a car in college, this will likely be your means of transportation for getting home during winter break or long weekends. However, rising gas prices and maintenance requirements can quickly make traveling by car unaffordable by yourself. Try to find friends or classmates who are from the same part of the country as you and see about sharing the ride in order to split costs.

While a car is great if you live within driving distance of your school, more distant areas of the country will necessitate means of transportation like flying or taking a train. While securing tickets right before you plan to travel can be quite expensive, you can usually find more affordable prices if you book well in advance. Whenever possible, try to schedule your travel several weeks before the date to get the best deal.

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