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Teaching yourself to take advantage of scholarship opportunities

February 22, 2013

People know that they can get extra money to help cover college expenses just by filling out a bit of paperwork. Scholarships, grants and other programs are available in droves, and while there's plenty of information about how, where and when to submit the right forms, not everyone takes advantage of these opportunities. When it comes to getting those funds, you also need to be motivated to apply for a scholarship.…


Using technology to grab more scholarship money

February 20, 2013

Having enough money to get through college comfortably may require college scholarships and grants for those who can't afford or aren't willing to take out loans. Paying for the experience out of pocket is rarely an option, so finding alternative ways of tracking down the best scholarship opportunities is optimal. Here are some tips for financing college that can help you utilize the latest in technology trends to take advantage of new funding opportunities.…


Graduate scholarships keep some students coming back

February 13, 2013

These days, simply getting a bachelor's degree is not enough to earn the most high-paying positions. Master's level educational achievements and beyond are often required in order to get into some industries, including the medical, scientific and technological fields. Attending graduate school in order to earn these positions, though, is more expensive than a basic four-year degree, and some forms of federal aid may no longer apply to students seeking these degrees.…


Things to know about federal aid

January 15, 2013

This is the time of year where current and prospective students need to start thinking seriously about what they want to be doing academically in the fall. The process to apply for financial aid can be exhausting but essential for ongoing educational sustainability, but getting enough scholarship funds to support this goal can be difficult if students wait until this window of opportunity has passed.…


Local scholarships give moms a boost

January 10, 2013

Having enough money to go back to school without worrying about various home elements can be a huge relief for single moms trying to make a better life for themselves and their children. That's why specialized college scholarships for single mothers exist, targeting the needs of this group and providing them with the encouragement and financial support to make their dreams a reality.…


New York scholarship awarded to single mom with tech goals

January 4, 2013

Some college scholarships target specific fields of study or groups of students, while others look at previous clubs and memberships or geographic regions. The point of these kinds of funds is to ensure that those in highly-desired career fields or parts of the country with less support for certain demographics retain the kind of talent they need to thrive.
One educational benefit program, the Sarder Scholarship fund, gives monthly awards to students in information technology (IT) paths, providing support for online or traditional learning experiences.…


California students could get farming scholarship

January 4, 2013

While many students attend college to pursue liberal arts or sciences, others might be on the lookout for financial aid for school that will help them get a start in the field of agriculture.
Recently, the California Farm Bureau Scholarship Foundation announced that it's accepting scholarship applications for 2013. Aspiring farmers who are selected to receive this yet-to-be-determined amount of money for college must simply be undergraduate residents of California hoping to, someday, live off the land.…


Big box stores give out scholarships

January 3, 2013

It's been said that students, when applying for financial aid for college, should cast as wide a net as possible. It's worth keeping in mind that many organizations and companies that offer scholarships for college are in almost no way related to education.
For instance, Best Buy, a "big box" chain store for electronic devices and supplies, has announced its plans for the 2013 Best Buy Scholarship, according to the Watertown Daily Times.…


News source offers New Year’s tips for looking for a scholarship

December 31, 2012

Scholarship America - an ongoing column from U.S. News and World Report, has scrounged up some advice for college students hoping to start their new year by being awarded financial aid for school through a scholarship program.
Some of the news source's advice is common knowledge. Seeking out and applying for as many scholarships for college as possible, combining online and local resources to enhance your knowledge and options for scholarships, participating in activities and volunteer work and filling out a FAFSA are all recommended.…


Watch out for scholarship scams

December 31, 2012

While filling out scholarship applications could ultimately lead to being awarded financial aid for school and lessen the cost of higher education, some experts point out that students should be cautious about certain programs offering scholarships for college.
Trib Total Media spoke with Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of FinAid and FastWeb, who outlined several methods scam artists use to swindle aspiring, and sometimes oblivious, college students.…