Attending college and career fairs to further explore your interests

November 29, 2011

If you're already thinking about college, chances are you have a major or degree in mind that you would like to work toward once you're there. However, there's only so much you can learn while you're in high school about earning a postsecondary education. While guidance counselors are a good source, they aren't the only people you can go to for information.

One way to learn more about your interests and all there is to know about college is by attending a college or career fair. North Dakota State University says there are numerous benefits to visiting a fair, including the opportunity to meet representatives from colleges and learn more about what they have to offer.

If you're having a hard time narrowing down a major or minor for your degree, college and career fairs can also be helpful. Here, you'll be able to explore your various interests in-depth and get a better idea of what you want to do once you graduate college.

Speaking with representatives from schools will also give you an idea of whether you should apply for college grants and scholarships to curb the cost of tuition. In the end, you'll leave with valuable knowledge to help you financially when it comes time to head to college.

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