Adopting good spending habits prior to attending college

November 18, 2011

Going to college can be an exciting time in your life as you meet new people and work toward a degree. However, attending a postsecondary institution also means taking on the financial responsibilities of paying for tuition and other fees.

The U.S. Department of Education says that becoming familiar with financial lingo and the basics of managing your money prior to beginning your first semester at college can pay off. There are a few good habits you can get into in order to live a more responsible lifestyle.

First, make sure you're paying all of your bills on time. Not only will this prevent you from falling into debt, but it will help you maintain your credit score as well. On a similar note, you should try to avoid using credit at all costs. Stick with cash or a debit card to avoid accruing debt on top of what you already owe in tuition.

To relieve yourself of financial stress while you're in school, you may want to apply for college grants and scholarships. Many sponsors offer these cash prizes to students who need assistance paying for college.

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