Exploring easy ways to cut the cost of attending college

November 21, 2011

As the economy continues to recover, postsecondary institutions are feeling the pinch. In turn, more colleges are raising the price tag on tuition, which is making it more difficult for individuals to attend school and earn a degree. However, U.S. News and World Report says that a lack of funds doesn't have to end your dream of going to college.

There are a few ways that you can gather the money to attend the school of your choice and obtain a degree. First, look for federal loans that you can borrow to help you pay for tuition. Unlike private lender loans, these loans are controlled by the government and have a regulated interest rate.

Next, start saving sooner than later. Even if you're years away from attending school, open up an account so you can save up money for your college education. Any cash is better than none once it comes time to pay for tuition and fees.

Finally, don't assume it's too late to apply for college grants and scholarships. A number of businesses have scholarship opportunities available throughout the year. Applying for scholarships can help you curb the cost of earning a degree.

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