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Unexpected things you should bring to college

April 24, 2012

Being a college student is expensive, so it's to your advantages to find ways to save money. With the average tuition at a four-year college reaching nearly $33,000 in the 2009-2010 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, scholarship opportunities are valuable resources for an affordable education. Additionally, bringing the right supplies with you on move-in day will keep you from having to run out and buy emergency items later in the year.…


Scholarships may help students pursue agriculture degrees

January 25, 2012

Although earning a postsecondary education can improve your chances of finding a high salary job, it can be difficult to pay for the cost of college. The expenses of college, textbooks and housing can add up, making it difficult for individuals to obtain a degree.
However, college grants and scholarships are becoming a popular go-to for young adults who want to achieve their goal of going to college.…


Boston Public School students now have the opportunity to earn more scholarships

January 25, 2012

College grants and scholarships have been helping individuals earn degrees for years. Whether you're pursuing a master's degree or just completing your undergraduate education, these financial resources can be a viable way to reduce the cost of tuition.
Students in Boston may soon have an opportunity to cash in on more scholarship opportunities in the near future, according to the Dorchester Reporter.…


New York area boxing scholarship provides opportunities to motivated students

January 25, 2012

Many high school kids participate in extracurricular activities, whether with the cross country team or at a local community youth center. Those in the New York City area who have a passion for boxing have found that their interests and skills can pay off in the form of a higher education.
The Daily News Golden Gloves scholarship program has been a staple in the metropolis for more than 85 years, according to the New York Daily News.…


Simon Youth Foundation to accept scholarship applications from at-risk students

January 19, 2012

Although attending college might be easy for those who come from financially-stable families, not all graduating high school students have the money to pay for a higher education. Individuals who have dreams of earning a degree might see their goals hindered by a lack of funds.
College grants and scholarships are helping more people resolve this issue and attend the school of their choice.…


Blandin Foundation to accept scholarship applications until May 1

January 19, 2012

Without the financial means to pay for tuition, many high school students see their career goals cut short because they can't afford to attend a postsecondary institution. However, college grants and scholarships are now helping more young adults enroll in undergraduate programs and pursue a higher education.
Recently, the Blandin Foundation announced that it is now accepting applications for its need-based scholarship program, according to the Grand Rapids Herald-Review.…


NSSED accepting scholarship applications from high school seniors

January 19, 2012

Although many high school students have dreams of attending a postsecondary institution, it can be difficult to do so without the funds to pay for tuition. Many individuals see their goals cut short when it comes to earning a degree due to a lack of financial resources. However, college grants and scholarships are helping more people obtain a higher education and embark on a fulfilling career path.…


Welborn scholarship to help high school students from Union County

January 17, 2012

It's not uncommon for high school students to have their dreams of attending college cut short due to a lack of funding. However, the cost of tuition is often too much for individuals who come from families that are struggling financially.
Union County, Indiana, is one region that is attempting to make sure that high school students don't have to tuck their dreams away when the going gets tough.…


DMC president to set up program to provide scholarships to kids

December 23, 2011

Although many postsecondary institutions provide scholarships to prospective students, not everyone who applies is guaranteed to receive a cash prize. In turn, this can make it difficult to pay for tuition and fees throughout college.
As more high school students graduate with dreams of earning a higher education, individuals are reaching into their pockets to provide financial resources to these academically-motivated kids.…


New program provides help finding scholarships to Cherokee students

December 23, 2011

Often, high school students have interest in attending college after graduation, but are unsure of whether they can pay the cost of tuition. As colleges continue to increase the price of earning a degree, many students are turning away from this option and attempting to enter the workforce without a higher education.
However, one program is attempting to make it a little easier for Cherokee students - the Cherokee Nation College Resource Center.…