Your guide to summer internships

June 5, 2012

Many colleges suggest - and some even require - that students undertake internships either during summer or winter break. For most students it's a great opportunity (you worked at a real music studio!), or at the very least a learning experience (you went on a lot of coffee runs) - but for others it's a moment of panic.

How do you find an internship? Who are you competing against? How are you going to afford all this? Luckily the answers are out there, and this guide will help you get started. Best internship advice ever - don't panic.

1. Where do I get an internship? Unfortunately there's no internship store, or better yet internship lending library. There is the internet though, and it is chock full of resources for those seeking out anything from a few weeks to three or more months. Most job search websites will have special listings for intern positions, but if you have a specific place in mind, head over to its site. Most organizations will have an application process right on their website, or lead you through the email application process.

While all applications will differ a little, you'll want to make sure you've got a résumé handy as well as several letters of recomendations (your professors will be more than happy to provide these). Some internships will also require phone or in-person interviews.

2. How likely am I to be chosen? Unfortunately internships build on each other. If you apply to a major publishing house with nothing on your resume other than "dining services," it might choose another contender. So for that year, go with a smaller or academic publishing house, and next year you've got the credentials to compete. Internships are all about resume building, and once you've graduated you'll be glad you built up your experience.

3. Do internships pay? The vast minority offer a stipend. Most expect you to contribute in exchange for experience. It may seem like a raw deal, but it's often worth it. There are also steps you can take to help your financial situation, both in school and during internships. Applying for college scholarships and grants can help keep your costs down year-round. Apply for a scholarship at the same time you're sending in your internship applications. And remember - Don't Panic!

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