Why a part-time job during college is a great idea

August 9, 2012

Whether you're commuting from home, living on campus or pursuing an online education, a part-time job during college can be a great way to build your resume, garner some job experience and simply get out of the academic world for a few hours every so often.

If you're looking to bolster a résumé, even the smallest or most menial job can give you a hand up. Maybe you've got your eye on a career in advertising somewhere in the distant future - why not take up a simple sales position now? Not only does this put some extra cash in your pocket if you make commission, it's a fantastic way to get to know consumer profiles.

For those landlocked on campuses or living at home, a part time job is a great way to break out of the usual milieu of the dorms or spend a while out of the house. Make friends, learn skills and refresh your brain doing something new.

College is also expensive, and while a part-time job can help, it won't cover tuition on its own. Consider applying for scholarships to make up a lot of that difference. Scholarship opportunities are a great way to reduce your loans out of college.

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