Looking ahead to a career as an occupational therapy aide

January 24, 2012

If you've always been interested in helping others and making people feel better, you might want to consider a career in occupational therapy. As an assistant to a professional in this field, you can bring home a decent salary and find fulfillment through your job.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics stated in 2010 that by 2018, the field for occupational therapy aides will grow to 30.7 percent. This is a notable increase from the 2.4 percent recorded in 2008, making it an ideal field for those who are looking to find a decent-paying job.

However, many employers may require you to have a postsecondary education in order to fill a position. If you've thought about going to school but lack the financial means to do so, there are a few ways you can get around this problem.

First, consider applying for college grants and scholarships to curb the cost of tuition. These resources do not have to be repaid over time. You can also apply for financial aid to potentially receive assistance when it comes to paying for college.

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