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How students can benefit from scholarship programs

December 14, 2012

If you're on your way to pursuing a degree from a university or college, there are plenty of reasons to apply for a scholarship, many of which were recently spelled out by the website Student
As many people applying for college are aware, tuition fees have continued to rise annually for some time. The news provider points to 2010 statistics from the College Board, showing that fees and tuition at four year colleges rose by 5 percent that year.…


Arkansas Lottery scholarship funds reach $300 million

December 13, 2012

In less than three years, the Arkansas State Lottery has amassed more than $300 million dollars for its program designed to provide college scholarship opportunities to students in the Natural State enrolled in two- or four-year degree programs.
Director Bishop Woosley said that more than 90,000 Arkansas pupils have gotten scholarships for college from his organization.
"We are, above all, proud of the thousands of scholarship students - those who have graduated and those working toward their goals," he said.…


Senator Lieberman establishes college scholarship program

December 12, 2012

On the cusp of his January retirement from the U.S. senate, venerable Connecticut Independent Joe Lieberman founded the Joe Lieberman Connecticut Scholarship Program, according to a report from NBC.
"With this new scholarship program, I hope to help future generations of Connecticut students have the same kind of opportunities in college, and after that, I've had," said Lieberman, at the state Capitol, according to the news source.…


Ex-con turns life around, currently in an apprenticeship

December 11, 2012

If money for college is tight, some experts recommend taking on an apprenticeship while working on classes if you're interested in joining the skilled-labor workforce after graduation. According to an article appearing in the Hechinger Report, the strategy is currently working out pretty well for one-time armed robber and current Bates Technical College student Jesica Bush of Tacoma, Wash.
The news report outlines how the 30-year-old Bush was sent to prison for seven and a half years following her conviction at age 19.…


Robert Redford co-founds a scholarship program

December 10, 2012

Actor and director of classic silver screen dramas like Quiz Show, A River Runs Through It and The Horse Whisperer, Robert Redford has joined forces with the Santa Fe University of Art and Design to provide college scholarship opportunities to promising creative students.
According to The Santa Fe Reporter, Redford will personally select which students he feels deserve one of these scholarships for college in pursuit of creative excellence.…


Community-minded students could receive scholarships

December 7, 2012

Giving back to your community through helping the disadvantaged or putting time into making your neighborhood a nicer place to live can lead to more than a personal sense of fulfillment. It could result in being awarded financial aid for college.
An article appearing on U.S. and Reports points to Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars, an organization with chapters throughout the country that looks at academic achievements and volunteering when it decides who to award a scholarship for college.…


Massive scholarship awarded to Texas science wiz

December 5, 2012

By developing an algorithm that allows robots to navigate their way around various obstacles, 17-year-old Kensen Shi has been awarded a $100,000 scholarship for college from the Siemens Foundation, according to an article from the Associated Press (AP). The A&M Consolidated High School student told the news source that his invention could also be used in the development of driverless cars, and to create more naturally moving characters in animation and video games.…


Some options for scholarships for women

December 5, 2012

According to data released by the Census Bureau in the spring, employed women are slightly more likely than men to hold college degrees. According to an article appearing on the ABC website, the agency states that 37 percent of the female workforce have earned at least a bachelor's degree, compared to 35 percent of men. The Census numbers indicate that the number of college-educated working women officially surpassed men in 2006.…


Scholarships provided for students affected by Hurricane Sandy

November 29, 2012

Students in the northeastern United States who lived through the historic superstorm Hurricane Sandy could be awarded scholarships for college at some institutions for higher learning located in the same area.
Specifically, Harcum College, a two-year school in Bryn Mawr, Penn., is giving financial aid for school consisting of two years of free living quarters. However, the program is only for students living in certain nearby counties, and is meant as an addendum to any scholarship money a student may have already been awarded, according to a report from NewsWorks.…


National Merit Scholarship Corp. recognizes handful of students

November 28, 2012

News sources report that independent, nonprofit National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) has recognized several high school students across the country for their academic achievements and commitment. The organization's website states that its goals are to honor students with academic potential, help further their education and provide management guidance for organizations that offer scholarships for college.
Founded in 1955, the NMSC has given more than $1.4 billion in financial aid for college to almost 3 million students.…