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Examining the benefits of attending an accredited online college

August 8, 2012

There are a number of college scholarships available to students these days, and many of them can apply to accredited online colleges. As more people look to earn a degree while working a full-time job, internet-based programs are growing in popularity. Furthermore, online scholarships are making it possible for more people to attend college.
If you're considering an online degree program, you'll find that there are many benefits to doing so.…


Balancing your life at a rural college

July 26, 2012

While scenic mountain vistas and pastoral walks to class aren't everyone's idea of a good time, the rural college experience has a lot to offer. Whether you're rooted in the mountains of Vermont, the quiet vastness of middle Ohio or a sleepy Colorado college town, America is filled with a variety of natural landscapes, and each one befits a college just as well as the modern cityscape.…


Navigating a city college

July 23, 2012

Whether you were born and bred in rural Iowa, downtown Los Angeles or the sprawling suburbs of Chicago, attending college in the city can be a surreal experience. Even the simple process of switching burroughs for a New Yorker can mean an utter change in the personality, warmth and familiarity of location. Cities are intimidating places - rushed, traffic-heavy, hard to access and harder to leave.…


How to adjust to (and get through) sharing dorm bathrooms

June 1, 2012

We've all been sharing bathrooms for most our lives, but you've probably not shared them like this. Dorm life offers a number of challenges - how to eat well, how to get along with your roommate, how to drop Micro Economics 101 - but few are as potentially terrifying as dorm bathrooms. Especially co-ed dorm bathrooms.
Not all colleges have co-ed dorms, and a good number don't have co-ed floors, but more and more often guys and girls are sharing personal space.…


How to make the most of an unpopular major

May 29, 2012

Do you have your heart set on Folklore and Mythology? Is Esperanto your foreign language of choice? Or more realistically, maybe you're invested in a theology major or alternative healthcare studies. Luckily, college majors aren't a popularity contest, and while there are winners, they're never clear-cut - so if you want to explore the healthful effects of drum circles, there's an educational outlet for that and perhaps a career.…


Consider an education and career in computer science

May 22, 2012

The current generation is growing up with computers - so much so that many children can learn to use a mouse before they first speak. With so much depending on our understanding of technology, from our jobs to our health, and so many fields becoming digitized, it's not surprising that computer science is one of the fastest growing fields in education.…


Minimizing travel expenses in college

May 17, 2012

As a college student, you'll likely be finding every and any way possible to save money. While applying for scholarship opportunities is a great method for reducing the costs of tuition, it won't cover non-academic expenses. If you're planning on attending a school that's miles away from your hometown, you'll soon discover that traveling back and forth during holidays and vacations can cost a pretty penny.…


How to deal with a difficult college roommate

May 15, 2012

After spending months visiting different schools, preparing for the SAT/ACT, submitting scholarship essays and finalizing college applications, it can be incredibly exciting when you arrive for freshman move-in day at your dorm. However, this initial enthusiasm can be cut short if you discover you're not entirely compatible with your roommate. While it takes time to get used to living with someone new, sometimes it becomes painfully clear that you're going to have issues with your living situation.…


Campus dorm vs. off-campus apartment

May 15, 2012

Between tuition, food, travel expenses and recreational activities, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the aggregate costs of attending college. Luckily, scholarship opportunities can help make paying for higher education more affordable. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 66 percent of all undergraduates received some form of financial aid during the 2007-2008 school year - meaning that you have a good shot of earning extra money for school.…


What to do if your chosen college isn’t a good fit

May 14, 2012

As so much of the past couple of years have been spent visiting schools, preparing for the SAT, submitting scholarship essays and applying to different colleges, it can be especially disheartening when freshman year arrives and you're not happy with your chosen school. While you should certainly give yourself plenty of time to adjust to the realities of college life (at least a full semester), sometimes it becomes very evident that things just aren't working out.…