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Merit-based scholarships under scrutiny

March 26, 2013

A new approach to scholarships and financial aid for college is in the works. By diminishing the prevalence of merit-based scholarships, many experts believe that overall tuition costs may decrease, allowing students from a wider range of income brackets to enter school. 
A pact for change
According to NPR, many schools offer large sums of money for college in order to lure the best students.…


Big companies seek former female employees

March 22, 2013

With the unemployment rate hovering near 8 percent, it is easy to get discouraged in terms of finding a job. Because of the responsibilities of parenthood, many mothers understandably hesitate to leave home to work. Yet, as more companies are hiring women, making this move may be easier than imagined. College scholarships for women that would put mothers in candidacy for these positions assist them in this endeavor.…


Facebook COO pushes women to take the lead

March 19, 2013

Sheryl Sandberg's new book "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will To Lead" encourages women to join and move up within the workforce. The Facebook COO's call is to women on the whole: whether single, married, with children, or without. Degree options for mothers, which scholarship-steered financial planning for college produces, would lead a whole new wave of women down the path of female assertiveness.
Uniting with Sandberg for change
A self-proclaimed feminist, Sandberg has created a stir with her publication. Her criticism of women hanging back in the working world has been controversial.…


Choosing between different kinds of higher education institutions

January 28, 2013

There are a number of different kinds of schools where one can gain an education past the high school level, and which offer various degree programs and learning opportunities. The sort of certification a person wants, as well as the cost and prestige of the institution, could play important parts in determining what kind of school a student will want to attend,
Here are some of the various kinds of schools and what they entail:
Community college - These schools offer two-year programs and Associates degrees. …


The difference between public and private schools

January 15, 2013

The cost of college can be prohibitive for some students. Those who apply for college scholarships can get some alleviation from the overall expense, but unless they receive a prodigious amount of funds, some schools cost so much they might still be carrying a huge debt from the day they graduate. This could dissuade some people from getting a secondary degree, but there are options available that are comparable in value yet less expensive to procure.…


Some colleges ask unusual admissions questions

December 28, 2012

The Los Angeles Times recently documented a somewhat peculiar new policy at the University of Chicago and other schools. Questions along the lines of "So where is Waldo, really?" have been appearing as essay options on applications for enrollment.
These abstract questions are designed to gauge a student's capacity for abstract thought and hopefully make the sometimes arduous application process a bit more whimsical.…


Things to consider when studying abroad

December 24, 2012

Many students jump on the opportunity to study abroad while they're finishing their undergraduate work, and with good reason. Spending three or four months abroad can broaden students' cultural horizons, shake up the monotony of a typical semester cycle and even give them the chance to learn more about their own lineage. However, there are a handful of safety and financial tips for college student travelers hoping to soak in more of the world should know.…


Social media major now offered at South Carolina colleges

December 20, 2012

Here's a tidbit for future higher education students looking for tips for college enrollment that will allow them to hone their skills in new media and technology - Newberry College in Newberry South Carolina will begin offering social media as a major and minor as the fall of 2013.
“Newberry has something that very few colleges have to offer," said the associate professor of graphic design and founder of the social media program, Tania Sosiak.…


Blogger points out difficulties of applying for college

December 18, 2012

In a post many students currently undergoing the process of applying to college may be able to relate to, New York Times blogger Sush Krishnamoorthy likened the process of filling out her Stanford application to game a Tetris. No matter how perfectly all the pieces fit when she envisions the ideal scenario in her mind, she can only hope that she's predicted all the variables.…


Organizations offer aviation scholarships

December 18, 2012

Prospective students hoping to someday pilot a commercial airliner or another craft across the sky may want to look into these college scholarship opportunities pointed out by U.S. News and Report.
The news source directs readers to the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, which doles out almost 30 $10,000 scholarships for college every year. Qualifying students should be at least in their sophomore year, and be aiming for careers in science, technology engineering or math.…