Are you considering bringing your car to college?

April 27, 2012

If you've enjoyed the freedom of owning your own car all throughout high school, the thought of leaving it behind in college might seem overwhelming. Before you decide to bring your vehicle with you to school, you should know a few basic facts about undergraduate car ownership.

It's expensive
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average cost of attending a four-year college in the 2009-2010 school year was approximately $33,000 - not cheap. Bringing your vehicle to school is another expense that won't go away, as you'll have to pay for gas, maintenance, cleaning, insurance and possible repairs.

It may not be allowed
Another factor to consider is that some schools do not allow students to bring their cars during freshman or even sophomore year. In this instance, you would have to move off-campus and away from the hub of on-campus life.

Designated driver
As you move through the ranks of undergraduate life and cross the 21-year-old mark, you may attend parties where alcohol is legally consumed. Considering that you're a car owner, expect to encounter friends frequently asking you for a ride to these parties, meaning you won't be able to fully partake in the festivities.

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