A doctoral degree can help you earn a high salary job

January 20, 2012

While having a master's degree can be rewarding, seeking a higher education after obtaining this certification can increase your chances of finding a high salary job. Individuals who hold a doctoral degree can open themselves up to numerous career opportunities.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2010, people with a doctoral degree made an average of $1,550 weekly. In comparison to those with a master's degree who earned $1,272 every week, this is a notable increase. Individuals with doctoral degree also had an unemployment rate of 1.9 percent compared to the 5.4 unemployment rate among those who held a bachelor's degree.

While a doctoral degree can help you expand your career, it can also be of assistance when applying for a high salary job. This may be important to individuals who have a family to support at home.

If you're interested in earning a doctoral degree to pursue other jobs or increase your income, college grants and scholarships can help. These financial resources can be used to curb the cost of tuition and relieve you of money woes as you work toward a higher education.

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