More research shows that earning a bachelor’s degree pays off

August 10, 2012

Many people have to seek online scholarships in order to enroll in a postsecondary institution as the cost of tuition continues to rise. However, is it really worth going to the effort of obtaining college scholarships and working hard to earn a degree?

More experts are saying yes, according to the New York Times. The report titled "Education Pays" conducted in 2010 found that after approximately 11 years of work, college grads were able to make up for the money spent on their tuition through higher earnings. This research indicates that although it may be costly to enroll in a four-year program, the results will eventually pay off.

Furthermore, states that you don't necessarily need to go to the highest ranking college in order to see these type of results. Getting into the best school you can and graduating might be enough to help you see a profitable career in the future.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2011, those with a bachelor's degree made approximately $1,053 weekly. Compared to those who only had a high school diploma, this is a substantial increase - diploma holders brought home $638 each week.

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