Archive | July, 2012

Navigating a city college

July 23, 2012

Whether you were born and bred in rural Iowa, downtown Los Angeles or the sprawling suburbs of Chicago, attending college in the city can be a surreal experience. Even the simple process of switching burroughs for a New Yorker can mean an utter change in the personality, warmth and familiarity of location. Cities are intimidating places - rushed, traffic-heavy, hard to access and harder to leave.…


The three most important factors in determining where you want to go to school

July 23, 2012

There's an old joke among realtors and property-investors, and like most old jokes it holds it holds more than a little truth. A young real estate agent asks a veteran of the industry, "What are the three most important factors in a great property?" The veteran responds, without missing a beat, "Location, location, location."
The same could be said of colleges.…


Why an online degree might be perfect for you

July 20, 2012

While promises of improvement are always coming, the economy is still in a precarious place. As jobs slowly grow, there's the ever-present fear of another economic dip and round of layoffs. During this hectic and stressful time, many Americans are choosing to further their educations. Whether they're attending schools for an associate's degree or pursuing a master's in their undergraduate area of expertise, these new students - some part time, some full time - are taking the time and opportunity to secure their future careers with a further education.…


Why you may want to wait to declare your major

July 18, 2012

Arriving at college your freshman year, you will feel like an open vessel. The culture shock will wear off, but as it does your mind will be overflowing with new ideas - concepts of economics, an understanding of history and politics, new readings and criticisms in novelists you thought you understood inside and out, complexities of the human organism that transcend AP bio and high school anatomy, a world of paintings or photographers that outstrip your frame of reference by miles.…


Webinars a tool for adults continuing their education

July 18, 2012

Single parents and adults head back to class in a variety of ways. Some land a substantial package of financial aid for mothers or scholarships for single parents and go to school full-time. Others take classes part-time while balancing work, family and education. Now, adults can not only take online classes, but also actively participate in webinars, which are presentations, lectures, workshops or seminars transmitted over the web.…


Summer opportunities for adults eager to learn

July 18, 2012

Summer is often the time of the year to do all those things you can't normally fit into your busy schedule. For many adults, this means going to summer school and pursuing their unique passions.
Try something new
Who says learning can't be fun? In Phoenix, Arizona, The Paradise Valley Unified School District offered woodshop as the first summer continuing education course.…


How to attend graduate school and hold down your job

July 17, 2012

In a professional environment where a bachelor's degree is ubiquitous, it's difficult to find a way to keep yourself a cut above the rest. More often than not, as many students have discovered, the answer is to return to school for a master's degree. One or two extra years of classes and education can give you an advantage in almost any industry, but if you intend to maintain your job in the process of making that transition back to school you may find that the stress is a lot to bear.…


Five reasons the library is your best friend

July 17, 2012

There are many tips for college students looking for an extra edge on their classes, but one is better than the rest. Luckily for you it's free, close to home and easy to use. If you're in need of a little academic advantage or scholarly superiority, walk or bike no further than your campus library.
The most essential part of any institution of higher learning, apart from the classroom, is the library.…


Five big-time grammatical offenders on college application essays

July 16, 2012

If there were an AP English-theme America's Most Wanted, these five errors would have high prices on their heads. While many high school students have mastered the art of writing grammatical sentences, a number of mistakes often slip through and end up right under admissions counselors' noses.
While it's true that a grammar error isn't a deal-breaker with a college, it can certainly misrepresent you to a reader.…


Dealing with homesickness without actually going home

July 16, 2012

As a college freshman you are almost certain to come down with the worst case of homesickness you've ever contracted. Though some students will have had experience with boarding schools, for most freshman it's the very first time living away from home. And while you may not miss your parents all that much (or, okay, maybe you do a whole lot), you'll certainly be missing your friends.…