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Meet Danitra Henry from Sacramento, California

Kia Isaac

Image of Kia Isaac

Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

Drawing Date: July 31, 2019

I recently enrolled at Independence University. I will be receiving my Associates Degree in Business and plan on opening my own hair salon. This scholarship will help me pay off my student loans.

Mark Johnson

Image of Mark Johnson

Hometown: Alpine, UT

Drawing Date: December 31, 2018

With this Scholarship I plan to apply it into a degree in architecture. From a young age I've always been fascinated with building things and I've always seen amazing architecture in pictures and in person. I wanted to make something like it. I have a creative mind I want to make sure I'm putting it into something I love. I want to pursue my musical side and help further my skills. I like to write songs on the piano and my computer, so I want to be able to take a few music classes to increase my music theory knowledge. Music means so much to me that I have a want to be able to share my music with the world. I want to use the scholarship to purchase all my school supplies including a laptop. I want to use the money to help support myself through the semesters. As a fresh starting student and a father this scholarship will help me out more than I could imagine. I want to thank Free College Scholarships for the gift and opportunity to pursue my education. I want to thank Jake Wagenman for calling me and giving me the news. It made my entire year. Thank you.

Amanda Skalsky

Image of Amanda Skalsky

Hometown: Cottage Grove, MN

Drawing Date: December 31, 2017

Hello my name is Amanda Skalsky. I signed up to be in the drawing to receive a $10,000 scholarship from and got very lucky and received the scholarship! I am very excited to be able to continue my schooling through Rasmussen College to receive my bachelors in Business Management. I originally started back in school October of 2017 and took one quarter finishing four classes, however, due to finances and how much money I already owe to student loans, I decided to drop out at the end of the first quarter. With the winning of this scholarship, I am able to re-attend and get my Bachelors from Rasmussen. I start again in April of 2018 and look forward to the next two years learning about the business world which is something I’m passionate about. I already have my associates in Business Management from Rasmussen which has allowed me to get experience in the business world but getting my bachelors will only get me higher up in the business world. Getting this scholarship and going back to school is going to do my family and me a huge justice so that my husband and I can provide for our children with the ability of a higher paying job in my future! Thank you Free College Scholarships!

David Furlong

Image of David Furlong

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Drawing Date: December 31, 2016

I was in shock when I received the call informing me that I won the scholarship. I read about individuals winning contests such as this all the time, however never expected I would be that lucky person! My program of study is nurse anesthesia at the University of Cincinnati (go Bearcats!) and it is very demanding both didactically and clinically. As such, I am dissuaded to maintain employment while enrolled in the 28-month program which adds a level of financial difficulty many do not have to endure. The proceeds from this scholarship will be exclusively applied toward tuition and student loans to help offset the financial burden that so often encompasses graduate school. I am honored to have been chosen for this scholarship. Thank you so much!

Dakota Stammen

Image of Dakota Stammen

Hometown: Wapakoneta, OH

Drawing Date: March 31, 2016

Hi, I am Dakota Stammen and I live with my parents in a small city called Wapakoneta, Ohio. I am currently a freshman at the University of Northwest Ohio (UNOH), which is located in Lima, Ohio. I commute 45 minutes to school every day to attend the various classes on my schedule. So far I have completed two quarters towards my degree and have made the Dean’s list for both quarters. I am currently in my third quarter.

My goal is to seek a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Administration. Although UNOH only has an Associate Degree in Computer Administration, I plan to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio after I achieve my Associates Degree at UNOH. Then after I acquire my Bachelor Degree I hope to obtain a Computer Administration position at a well-established firm.

I am currently working part-time at McDonalds to save money for my college expenses. However, with only making minimum wage the savings account does not increase very fast. Since I am now in my third quarter at UNOH I have pretty much depleted my savings.

Therefore, I was looking for another avenue to help pay for my college expenses. That is why I entered this scholarship contest. Although I didn’t think my chances of winning were very high, I was thrilled when I received a phone call and an email informing me that I was the chosen winner of the $10,000 Scholarship. This $10,000 Scholarship will help me pay most of my tuition costs for the next three quarters. This $10,000 Scholarship will also help alleviate my concern on how I was going to pay for the upcoming quarters, minimize my accumulation of college debt, and help me achieve my dream of becoming a Computer Administrator. No words can really thank you enough for this $10,000 Scholarship. So I will just say from the bottom of my heart—THANK YOU. This opportunity means a great deal to me!!!

Rebecca Cairns

Image of Rebecca Cairns

Hometown: Bullock, NC

Drawing Date: January 31, 2016

My name is Rebecca Cairns. I am originally from Nigeria, a country in West Africa. Nigeria is also the most populous country in Africa and has a very diverse culture and many languages. In Nigeria we value education and I inherited my educational ambitions from my family. I am married and have children. I lived in Japan a few years where I met my future husband, an American and that is how I came to live in the U.S. I have since naturalized so this is my home now. Currently I live in a small town in rural North Carolina. North Carolina has some beautiful areas, some diversity, and reasonable education and employment opportunities. I work hard with a full time job and raising three kids, taking care of our home and our little farm, and trying to further myself with my studies. Presently I am a student at American Public University. I am pursuing a Master’s degree program in Psychology. After finishing the MA Psychology program I plan to enroll in a PhD program most probably Health Psychology.

Coming from where I come from, cultural activities are important to me. My hobbies are dance and music, mostly West African styles but I like reggae and other kinds of music too. I also enjoy gardening on our farm, raising some for the vegetables I miss the most and use the most to cook with. I travel with my family when time allows, visiting my husband’s family and traveling to the eastern shores of North Carolina where there are many peaceful beautiful areas that are not too expensive to visit.

It was a big surprise to get a phone call today the 1st of April, 2016 that I won a scholarship from Scholarship Zone. Needless to say I am very excited, and I look forward to using the $10,000 to complete my MA Psychology degree program at APUS. Thank you very much Scholarship Zone.

Amber Sweetland

Image of Amber Sweetland

Hometown: Coolidge, AZ

Drawing Date: January 15, 2016

My name is Amber. I am a 33 year old mother of two daughters, one is 5 and the other is 17. My 17 year old daughter finished high school almost two years early, which was last October. She started col...

Angel Meade

Image of Angel Meade

Hometown: Esmont, VA

Drawing Date: December 15, 2015

Hello everyone! My name is Angel Meade. I am currently working toward getting my Bachelor’s degree in nursing and then moving on to receive my masters in anesthesiology. Many of you all know paying for college is very difficult! I put my name in the drawing for the heck of it, not actually thinking I would win and believe it or not I did. I couldn't be more blessed enough to have this opportunity to not only achieve my goals education wise but to also not have to worry about how I will achieve my goals financially. My plan for the $10,000 I received is to pay for my tuition, books and school uniforms. Thank you all so much for this blessing!

Lora Peterson

Image of Lora Peterson

Hometown: Nampa, ID

Drawing Date: November 15, 2015

I'm a single mom of 2 beautiful girls. I have a few disabilities. One is apexa. Apexa is a brain injury that I got when I was a baby. It disrupts the speech. So the signal from the brain to my mouth is disrupted. It doesn't make it easy to learn. I don't remember thing from book I'm hands on learner. I have look at defend jobs and the colleges here in Idaho. I have always loved doing hair so I decided to go and get my cosmetology degree. Most of the schooling it hands on. That is the best way to learn for me. I went to another school and they were not teaching me the right stuff. So I look at other schools that have the right teaching. Then I found Paul Mitchell. They teach everything I need to know. I'm going to Paul Mitchell the school. I love it there. I have learned so much so far. So many wonderful people that is going or work at the school. They make going to school fun and don't look down at me. I look forward to school each week. For the first time in my life I enjoy school. I have less then 900 hours left in my schooling. I can't wait until I'm done. I really look forward in life that I can do it. I will have a job that I know I can do it for the rest of my life. All the money I get from you will be going to my school. This will bring down the bill down for me. This will be one less thing to stress or worry about. And I can do the job and spend time with my girls. I want to say a big thank you for picking me. I felt like so happy that I can be getting this money!

Parris Bell

Image of Parris Bell

Hometown: Hartford, CT

Drawing Date: September 15, 2015

Growing up in a church, I know me being chosen as the winner of's $10,000 is a blessing so I will first like to start off by thanking God! Each month for a year I registered for the $10,000 scholarship just for the heck of it because I honestly couldn't believe I'll actually win! However, I did win and me winning couldn't have came at a better time in my life. For a year now I've taken interest in nursing school. I am very compassionate of others and truly look forward to being in peoples lives when their in the stage of getting better and getting over hurdles in life. I've recently been accepted to Stone Academy's LPN Program. I wasn't fortunate to receive any scholarships from the school at the time of my acceptance or receive that much money in grants through financial aid. Seeing how hard it is to pay for school makes me regret not doing too well in highschool, but motivates me not to fool around in college. Therefore, since I had to make a plan for the monthly payments so I can attend the program I will use this $10,000 scholarship for that. Also, I will be using the scholarship for school books, student loans and my school uniform. Thank you so much for selecting me as the winner!

Sierra Wright

Image of Sierra Wright

Hometown: Reno, NV

Drawing Date: August 15, 2015

My name is Sierra Wright and I am a 21 year old full time student at the University of Nevada Reno pursuing a bachelors degree in Speech Pathology and minoring in Drawing for Art Therapy. My dream is to become a Speech Pathologist with an emphasis on Art Therapy so I can help children with communicative disorders. At first when I signed up for this I did not expect that I would actually win something as huge as $10K but I did and I am extremely grateful for this incredible opportunity. I pay for my own schooling so when that call came in, I was amazed and excited to know that I actually won something. This scholarship will help me out hugely when it comes to paying my tuition for school, buying all of these textbooks I need in order to pursue my dream, and paying rent for my apartment because although I am working, I only get paid minimum wage which is hard to use when paying rent. Being a full time student in college is really stressful and wining this scholarship really helped me feel relieved and now I am able to not worry about if I will be able to pursue my dream or not.

Shakima Tanner

Image of Shakima Tanner

Hometown: Albany, GA

Drawing Date: July 15, 2015

Hi, my name is Shakima Tanner. I am married and have four wonderful children. During the process of my life, it has been hard to manage a family and not worry about how to pay for college. I prayed for a solution. Student loans were beginning to add up; soon my oldest daughter would need my support while she pursue college. It just seem like there were so many hindrances to me furthering my education so that I would be in a better position to provide for my family. I was so surprise to find that I had been selected as the winner of the 10k scholarship! At first, I was surprise and a little hesitant, it seemed too real to be true- more like a dream that came true, because I have never won anything of this magnitude in my life. Now my heart overflows with gratitude and humility. This scholarship is the answer to my prayers. I needed money for school, and to help pay for childcare while I am in school. This scholarship came at the right time. You hear the statement all the time, “if it’s too good to be true, it is”. I now know this is a false statement. I am currently a nursing student at Darton State College. I have been taking out student loan to fund my education. I have five semester left to get my degree in nursing. This scholarship is enough to cancel two semesters worth of loans. By awarding me the 10k scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community as I seek my nursing degree. I am one-step closer to becoming a nurse thanks to Thank you so much.

Meredith Martin

Image of Meredith Martin

Hometown: Lafayette, CA

Drawing Date: June 15, 2015

My name is Meredith Martin, but my friends and family call me Molly. I am twenty years old and I live in Lafayette, California with my parents, my older brother, Luke, younger sister, JulieAnne, Addie, my dog, and three cats. I am seeking a degree in Environmental Science. The quality of the environment for all species is my passion; I am committed to making a change for the better for our world’s future and I am excited to dedicate my life to preserving it. I began my college education during the fall semester of 2014 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. CSU is a great school. I was focused on my schoolwork, which paid off when I made the Dean’s List for the fall. Unfortunately, I was paying out of state tuition and a reality check showed me that I was paying triple the money for the same education my hall mates were receiving and it just didn’t make financial sense. I moved back to California and transferred to Diablo Valley College where I immediately enrolled for the spring 2015 semester. I plan to finish my general education here. As soon as all my requirements are met, I intend to transfer to the University of California, Berkeley to finish my undergraduate education. When you told me I won a $10,000 scholarship, I couldn’t believe it! I work part time while attending school and full time over the summer in order to pay for my education. This scholarship will allow me to focus on completing my courses at DVC while still having some leftover to pay for courses at UC Berkeley. I know that attending university is exponentially more expensive than community college, but having my general education totally paid for by this scholarship will allow me to save every penny I make for UC Berkeley. Thank you so much for this life-­‐changing opportunity.

Zoe Newman

Image of Zoe Newman

Hometown: Jericho, VT

Drawing Date: March 15, 2015

My name is Zoe Newman and I am a first year law student. I had been seriously considering a law degree for some time, however, the cost of going back to school was a difficult barrier and weighed heavily in my consideration. However, the more I considered the benefits of going back to school the more determined I became to make it happen. I graduated college in 2011, and have been working in state government. As a young professional, I recognized the skill set a law degree would give me. I found the right program for me, however, the cost of education combined with living expenses made me think twice at first. I started researching funding options online and found several links pointing me to I began applying to as many scholarship options as I was eligible for and doubting that much would come of it as I knew how many other people must also be applying for the same opportunities. This is why I was so surprised and I am incredibly grateful for the $10,000 scholarship I received through Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! Often, when people speak of going to law school (or higher education in general) they talk about “crippling debt” as though it were a given; this is a sad state of affairs and should not be the case. This scholarship is part of my larger plan to attend law school in a financially secure way — something I could not have achieved on my own. Scholarships like this help make higher education possible in a time when costs of tuition and even books are soaring. I am very grateful for this opportunity and hope to use my law degree in a way that gives back to my community. Thank you again!

Ashlei Rogers

Image of Ashlei Rogers

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Drawing Date: February 15, 2015

Hello world! My name is Ashlei Rogers and I hail from St. Louis, MO. I am overjoyed by this blessing I have received in being named the 10k scholarship winner! ..(After submitting an application ONCE, might I add). It has been a rocky road for me to get back into school, with being a mom and working it's easy to fall into the daily routine of life. Last year, I started to apply for better paying jobs and quickly came to the conclusion that I was not at my best in this competitive workforce. At that point, I decided it was time to finally finished what I had started 8 years ago. I will be pursing an Online BA in Business from AIU. This scholarship will help fund my educational needs so that I may also plant the seed for my non-profit organization I plan to start up in the near future. My ultimate goal in life is to serve and impact as many lives as I can. In the same manner in which has blessed me I only pray to one day be a blessing to another in the exact way! Thank you. Thank you. I recently rededicated my life to Christ, and the blessings I have been receiving are extraordinary! I thank God for the favor he has on my life. I want to also dedicate this win to my cousin, Monique Dotson who passed away the same day I received the notification I'd won. In her honor, I promise to accomplish every goal I set for myself and to live my life on purpose. I didn't think this could happen to me, but God saw differently. I can now say good things happen to good people and truly believe it, keep fighting! You're time is coming too have faith and apply! Romans 8:28 -God Bless

Trevor Petski

Image of  Trevor Petski

Hometown: Panama City, FL

Drawing Date: January 15, 2015

My name is Trevor Petski. I'm 22 years old and am currently enrolled at Auburn University working to complete my bachelors in electrical engineering. Going away to school has really helped me get out from under my parents and has really helped me grow to be more independent and very appreciative of my parents. Though, I live apart from them I am unable to have a job while taking classes full time, thus I am completely financially dependent on them. I have thus far paid my way through school with loans, and when I graduate I will have to hit the work force running in order to pay then off. Winning this scholarship seemed to have popped out of thin air. I'm incredibly grateful to receive this because it means I can, in a way, give back to my parents for all they have given me. I'm overwhelmed that someone would give me $10k to help me go to school and ultimately get into a career I can be proud of. I won't be proud because of me but it will be because of the people who helped me fund my dreams.

Fred Roberson, Jr.

Image of Fred Roberson, Jr.

Hometown: Knoxville, TN

Drawing Date: December 15, 2014

I would first like to thank God, the universe, definitely, your scholarship program, and all those involved in helping people pursue higher education. Being a person who recently resign from job to go back to school full-time, take care of my two year old and wife who is expecting our next bundle of joy in February, this award is a God sent. When I first received the call, I almost missed my blessing, thank God for allowing me to answer my phone again. Honestly, its still an awesome feeling. The decision to finish my B.S. degree in accounting/information management, was a family decision, knowing that some sacrifices would have to be made, finances would change, and a lot more stress. However, what I found out was that family and love was all we needed. It was this faith in ourselves which allowed us to rise to any occasion. I rarely, believe in coincidence and as described in Paulo Coehlo "The Alchemist", while on this journey we discover that your faith supersedes your fear of failure, and once you realize that all good things come to work in your favor, your treasure is waiting right around the corner. The reward is a great compliment to all the hardships, the late nights studying, the going to work while taking classes during and after work, the sleepless days and night while nurturing a newborn into the world, the strength you give to your spouse, your friends, your family. What I have learned, it's all about transforming an environment of positive love so strong that it lights the void, it lights your path, it lights your home, that all will hear the message in my testimony. Will hear that as a non-traditional husband, father, employee, student, regardless of your current title more is waiting, and once we get past the pessimistic thought that my glass is half empty, you are able to see that its already full with endless possibilities, where dreams become reality, and know that your labor is not in vain. The funny thing is literally, the evening before I received the phone call from 10kforschool, I told my wife that our change is coming, that this is our year to receive blessings, that the past is the past and we won't last if we cant move pass anything holding us back from greatness, as Dr. J. Gilmore once told us to "get out of your F.O.G - fear of greatness and get into your favor of God", and this is what allows the blessings to come in, doors to open, and opportunities to never cease. The blessing of this gift, is an honor, a privilege, I'd say to whom much is given even more is required (Luke12:48), I would never have thought from the first time I saw an email about 10K for school, never would have guess that I would be selected, however, I believe that maybe just maybe its my turn, that maybe this organization would bless me, and bless me indeed they have. I am just so thankful to and your subsidiaries for blessing me. This will allow me not only to have enough to pay for Study Abroad this summer, pay remainder Fall classes but also work on my Masters in Accounting (M.Acc program) at the University of Tennessee, I graduate this December so this reward, just encouraged my soul. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and may your organization and employees be blessed in every goal, task, mission, and dream. To anyone reading this have faith and do apply. Thank you.

Savahnna Marquez

Image of Savahnna Marquez

Hometown: Merced, CA

Drawing Date: August 15, 2014

Winning this scholarship is a huge blessing in my life. It will open many doors that will make it possible for me to successfully continue my education. The scholarship money I will receive will go towards my main goal in life which is to attain a Medical degree and be able to possibly save lives. Attending the Milan Institute of Merced to become a certified Medical Assistant as well as being a full time student at Merced College to attain an AA degree has been a costly struggle. Educating me in an area where I can help others is more important to me than just your average student. My recent heartache has lead me to this career choice with one thing in mind,” save lives”. Recently I have had to watch the most beautiful woman in my life lose her battle to a medical condition. My determination to succeed in the Medical field is strong and the 10,000 dollar scholarship would benefit me by helping me accomplish this goal. I know I will succeed no matter what. Winning this scholarship will help me to invest in areas needed such as school supplies, school books, transportation, scrubs, and professional clothes. I can use the money to better research areas that will help me get to the level of profession in the Medical field I am striving for. There are many things I am limited to as a student due to the fact I am unable to afford all the necessities needed. Although I manage to find ways without any money at all to buy scrubs and wardrobe from thrift stores, the struggle takes away from time I could be spending on my homework and studies. The scholarship money is definitely going to help me be able to concentrate on my grades and having reliable transportation. Having the determination I have to succeed and one day be able to save lives is more than just any ordinary person’s determination. Having to watch my little brother deteriorate and pass away from a medical condition in 2007, then having to watch my mother do the same thing in 2013 has made me realize I want to make a difference in this world by saving lives. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be able to keep continuing my education so that I can better myself and better the lives of others. I also hope to give others that have been or are going through the same thing I have gone through hope, faith and courage.

Latricia Jenkins

Image of Latricia Jenkins

Hometown: Detroit, MI

Drawing Date: May 15, 2014

My name is Latricia Jenkins; I'm a 32 year old single mother that lives in Detroit Michigan with my two little boys, also I'm working full time at General Linen & Uniforms, Supplies. I am currently attending The University of Phoenix in Southfield for a Bachelor degree in Business Management. Most people have heard the saying ‘never say never', well I am a witness to that saying. Four months ago my adviser told me that I could not receive financial Aid anymore but I'm able to take out loans for school and pay out of pocket. My heart start pounding and tears start coming down my eyes thinking I'm the middle of my degree and I've been working so hard to achieve my goals. So I got on my knees and prayed to God because I'm about to lose my education. A week later my adviser sends me websites to go on to apply for scholarships. I took out time in one day to apply for 20 scholarships, saying to myself I'll never win these scholarships. So, I started looking for a part time job just for school and no one was hiring for part position, I'm thinking oh God I'm about to took on a lot of stressful things please help me. On May 19, I was very tired, I had just come home from work and the boys were all over me. I asked my sister she could watch them while I sleep for a few hours and just as I laid my head down I got a phone call from free scholarship. I was so mad at the time because I thought someone was playing on my phone until the woman on the other end started talking a little bit more about the scholarship. I was so in-denial still, I told my sister and she was happy. I got the email that the lady said I would get and I started to cry thinking God. At this time I will like to thank Free College Scholarships, LLC for giving me a wonderful opportunely to continue school. I plan to pay for school with this scholarship and give something to someone in need, my way of thanking God. I believe that anything happened by the grace of God. Also I am able to get my laptop fix, I've going to the library to use their computer. Thank you very much I am truly thankful.

Alexis Graham

Image of Alexis Graham

Hometown: Fort Myers, FL

Drawing Date: April 15, 2014

Since I was young, I always dreamed of being in the military and helping people, but dreams are funny things. My junior year in high school I came down with a few health problems that prevented my joining. Upon learning this, I had to come up with a backup plan, and fast. So, as most people do, I decided further my education.Of course college costs more than most people can afford, so I started applying to get as many scholarships as possible. After being accepted to Florida Gulf Coast University I started worrying about how I can afford going to school. Thanks to Free College Scholarships I don’t have to worry about the first year of school and I can’t thank them enough. Because of their generous scholarship, I can rest easy knowing I can last another year without worry. All of the money is going to tuition, and if there’s anything left will go to pay for the textbooks.

Jasmin De Jesus

Image of Jasmin De Jesus

Hometown: New York, NY

Drawing Date: March 15, 2014

My name is Jasmin De Jesus im 19 years old and I go to The Borough Of Manhattan Community College in Manhattan, NY. I am in my freshman year with a liberal arts major. I am so honored to have been chosen to receive this award. This will come in handy when it comes to purchasing my books and essentials for this oncoming semester. First and foremost I would like to thank the Free College Scholarships, LLC for awarding me this scholarship. When I got the call I couldn't believe it I was in so much shock that wasn't excited at all. It's not everyday that you win 10k for school so when It happened I didn't know what to feel. I was just really thankful and grateful to have been picked. I'm an only child of a single mother from uptown New York in Washington Heights. I have eight other siblings on my dad's side so college is a financial burden when it comes to my family. Financial Aid is never enough and my Dad has three kids going through college. My mom lives paycheck to paycheck paying these expensive New York City bills so money is always scarce. This scholarship money couldn't have come at a better time! Since I've just found a school that covers the major I really want which is radiology. Provided by Columbia University Medical Center a twenty four month program in Harlem Hospital for radiology. To pursue this degree I would have to pay a tuition of 15,000$, so this was definitely appreciated. I can't even express how thankful I am. This was a gift from God. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to follow my dreams.

Deyanira Montes

Image of Deyanira Montes

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Drawing Date: February 15, 2014

Hi, my name is Deyanira Montes! I am 23 years old going on 24 this year on July 29th, 2014. I am Hispanic born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I am the baby of my family. I have two older brothers and one sister. I am blessed to have my parents happily married after 34 years of marriage. My parents come from a small town south of the border in Eagle Pass, Texas called Zaragoza, Coahuila. My mom is my biggest inspiration and she is the reason why I must push harder towards a better future. I want to be able to give my mom what she deserves: to be taken care of like she took care of us when we were younger. She dedicated her whole life for us to have a better one than the one her and my dad had. I hope to be able to get one step closer to my goals and dreams with the help of this scholarship in pursuing a career in journalism. I would like to be able to work as a film editor/film producer. I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity and help to pursue my dreams!

Darian Formy Duval

Image of Darian Formy Duval

Hometown: Lake Waccamaw, NC

Drawing Date: January 15, 2014

I was completely ecstatic when I received the call informing me that I was the winner of the $10,000 scholarship. Living in a single parent household can be a very tough situation in several different ways. The financial struggle is the toughest part of living with only one parent. After my parents divorce, my father and I were left in a financial struggle. We were living paycheck-to-paycheck without being able to set aside any money for higher education. After that, I knew that the only way I could go to college is to receive scholarship assistance or be forced to take out loans. I worked extremely hard throughout high school, maintaining a high grade point average while I still held the responsibility of maintaining a household. That was one of the biggest difficulties I faced; however, I kept a clear goal in mind for what I admired most...success. I, now, go to a university where all of my education is paid for by student loans. Because of our household income, I am unable to receive financial aid. This is an extreme issue for my family because we cannot afford to pay my tuition and fees. Therefore, the only option I have in paying for college is student loans, which will put me in a struggle having to pay them back after graduation. The thought of graduating from college with a substantial amount of loan debt is very disturbing. However, receiving this amazing scholarship gave me the motivation to continue my education without having such great debt. This scholarship will be valued and put to the effective use of solely paying for my collegiate education. Because of the $10,000 Scholarships4WorkingAdults scholarship, I am able to pay for my education without being forced to take out a single loan. This is something that my family and I are beyond grateful for. It has truly changed my life and given me hope for a successful future. Thank you so much!!

Lydia Menino

Image of Lydia Menino

Hometown: Corvallis, OR

Drawing Date: September 15, 2013

Hi, My name is Lydia Menino; I am 19 years of age and attend Oregon State University. This will be my sophomore year at OSU. Oregon State University is located in Corvallis, Oregon. I was born and raised here in Corvallis, which is a very beautiful place. Corvallis is full of nature and hiking trails that show the town’s hidden treasures. I grew up in a house outside of town with my parents and my three sisters. We have several acres of land and over the years I have raised sheep for 4H. I also have horses that I enjoy riding when I have the spare time. I couldn’t be happier that Corvallis is where I grew up. I am currently majoring in Interior Design and Business; art and design have always been a passion of mine since I was young. Although the program is starting to become challenging, I am enjoying it. I am a sophomore so I am just now starting to get into the programs studio classes. The classes are very involved and detail oriented. I am also studying business not only because I think it is very helpful but because I hope to one day own a business of my own. I plan to put the money I was awarded towards studying abroad. One of my biggest dreams is to travel the world and study abroad. I am very interested in a particular program that is located in London. I think it would be such an incredible experience to study abroad and understand other cultures while learning. I think especially in design it is very beneficial to go to other countries and see the beautiful things they have to offer such as architecture and vibrant colors. I cannot say thank you enough for this incredible gift.

Rebekah Ritchie

Image of Rebekah Ritchie

Hometown: Cantonment, FL

Drawing Date: August 15, 2013

This is such an amazing opportunity! I am a full time student and a full time worker and this scholarship is such a blessing. Not only does this help in the financial department, but it also helps with the ongoing mental question of how everything will get paid off! This money will definitely go a long way and help me continue in my schooling and fulfill my dreams of becoming a part of this country’s criminal justice system! I came across and I figured "why not? It can’t hurt to try." I never thought that I would be the winner of the $10,000 scholarship!! I plan on using this money to pay for my tuition, and also all of the necessities that come with being a full time student. Thank you so much!

Roberta Lorette

Image of Roberta Lorette

Hometown: Irvine, CA

Drawing Date: June 15, 2013

My name is Roberta Lorette and I am a 38 year old single mother. I was super excited to hear that I won the $10,000 scholarship! Last year I attended Le Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts and received my Culinary Certificate to become a Chef. I plan to open up my own restaurant and so this year I am continuing my education by going to Orange Coast College and obtaining my Hotel and Management AA degree. With the scholarship I will be able to obtain a well needed computer so that when I do menus and food costing I can do it in a professional manner. I would also like to use it for room and board for my son and I as we have been struggling for independence these last few years. The church that I go to told us to as to ask for favor on our lives and I did. Right after that Mylene from called me and told me I won. At first I hung up on her and then she called me back to inform me that "yes" in fact I was the WINNER of the scholarship. I would also like to use the scholarship towards school loans, books, parking permit, and my materials for the next stage in my schooling. I truly believe that it will this will help take me and my son up to the next level in my career goals. It is so important to have opportunities out there that allow people that want to improve their life be able to succeed. Thank you so much, I am so excited that I won and and I am proud to share my experiences with future entries. Everyone should enter to win; you never know…you could be the next winner!!

Stephanie Gruchow

Image of Stephanie Gruchow

Hometown: Kenosha, WI

Drawing Date: May 15, 2013

My name is Stephanie. I am an older student returning to school to complete my accounting degree. We have two young children and my husband recently suffered a stroke this last Christmas so I was unsure if I would be able to continue attending or if I would have to wait again due to financial constraints. This award will help me to complete my degree as I have only twelve more credits to achieve my diploma – something I have been working for and my family has endured many sacrifices to allow me to complete my dream. I can’t begin to express my gratitude as every year, I’ve applied for grants and scholarships – the few I qualify for as an older working student and mother, regardless of my dean list’s grade point average – and been refused any assistance besides federal student loans. The luck that allowed my name to be chosen as a winner after all the disappointments has renewed my sense of hope and dedication. My family is very active in our community. We volunteer with the "Make A Wish" Foundation, the “Health Digestive Alliance”, local community boating and water safety programs, sled dog rescue and dog adoption, and are regular blood donors. My hobbies are reading – primarily science fiction, playing role playing games (RPGs), and hang gliding. Many years ago, my husband and I had a sled dog kennel, with the dog breeds of Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, and Canadian Inuits. We fostered, placed and rehabilitated sled dogs young and old into new 'forever' homes. We also took dogs into schools and groups (boy/girl scouts, movie theatres when sled dog movies were newly released) to educate the public about the responsibilities and needs of a sled dog to help people understand the breed. We believe this helped many to decide if a working breed, such as a sled dog, would or wouldn’t be a good fit into their family and lifestyle.

JoAnn Felix

Image of JoAnn Felix

Hometown: West Jordan, UT

Drawing Date: April 15, 2013

My name is JoAnn Felix. I come from a family of three brothers and two sisters, as well as four step-sisters and a step-brother. I enjoy having a big family. I am 43 years old and have been married for 21 years to a wonderful husband named David. We have one adopted son who is 15. He says he wants to join the marines when he turns 18. As proud as I am of him, that kind of scares me. I enjoy hiking and camping, reading, playing the piano, and crocheting. I am attending Stevens Henager College and working to obtain my degree in forensic accounting. I am enjoying it very much. I have always enjoyed doing accounting type work. I work for an attorney now, and as well as doing the legal secretary duties, I am also the bookkeeper and that’s actually my favorite part of my job. A college degree is a very important thing to have. It helps increase earning potential and will allow me to earn a better income and be able to save better for retirement. I want to be able to travel and do things when I retire. I also want to work smarter, not harder. I earn pretty good money where I’m at now, but I know my earning potential good be a lot more with an accounting degree. I am also feeling better about myself. I feel like I have more self-confidence in my abilities. I feel happier and more well-rounded in the rest of my life as well.One of my biggest concerns about going back to school was how I was going to pay for it. It was almost a deterrent to me going back, but I decided to do it anyway because I have had been wanting to do it for a long time. I am really grateful for winning this scholarship. It will be very helpful in paying for school

Kathy Frye

Image of Kathy Frye

Hometown: Fort Myers, FL

Drawing Date: February 15, 2013

I am so thankful to be awarded this scholarship for $10,000 through Scholarship Zone. When you receive a phone call and hear you have won the drawing for a $10,000 scholarship for the month, your first reaction is one of unbelief and skepticism. I have checked with the Better Business Bureau and followed all the procedures one can follow to make sure this is a legitimate offer and can find nothing to discredit this company. I am a mom beginning life over again as if I were in my twenties. I am studying to begin a new career as a medical assistant, finishing seminary, and putting my son through college while trying to earn a living at the same time. Needless to say, winning this scholarship is very welcome news in the midst of very trying times. This scholarship will pay part of my tuition towards my medical assistant certificate and give me peace of mind knowing that some of my bills can be paid! It has put a smile on my face and filled my heart with thanksgiving and praise to God, who is Jehovah-Jireh, my provider. I give Him all the glory, for He always makes a way where there seems to be no way. Thank you Scholarship Zone for helping students to complete their education!

Camisha A. Lewis

Image of Camisha A. Lewis

Hometown: Allentown, PA

Drawing Date: January 15, 2013

I just want to say thank you so much for this fabulous gift. I normally don't win big like this and it's a blessing that it worked out like this. A little about myself, I'm a mother of four girls. I recently (almost a year ago) lost my job and didn't want to stay in that field. I had a great opportunity to go back to school, so I decided that I wanted to go in the Medical Field so that I can help others. What I'm going to do with this gift? One pay some bills off , buy a washing machine, buy uniforms for my 3 younger daughters, and put money away for my oldest for school. Again thank you so much.

Natividad Villa

Image of Natividad Villa

Hometown: Truth or Consequences, NM

Drawing Date: November 15, 2012

Hello, my name is Natividad Villa. I am currently a senior at Hot Springs High School. I come from a family of eight. My parents have greatly influenced my career choice with all their support; I am blessed with the opportunity to continue on with my education. I believe that this scholarship will go a long way for me. As I graduate high school I start to think about my life in the future. How will I pay for college? By this scholarship winnings I believe that I will be able pay my tuition as well as room and board for the first semester of college. This is a huge relief for me because I was not sure if I was going to be able to handle my first semester of college. I just want to thank you for giving me the support with this scholarship to continue my education and to better my life. Thank you.

Theresa Long

Image of Theresa Long

Hometown: Norwood, PA

Drawing Date: October 15, 2012

I am Theresa Long and I signed up for your Scholarship Provider promotion. I plan to use the winning to further my education by taking courses that will update me in my teaching profession. I am currently a high school Health and Physical Education teacher in Delaware County, PA. I have been married for 25 years and have two sons who are 19 and 15 years old. My older son is a college sophomore and my younger son is in 9th grade. I am a believer that education is a lifelong process and have tried to save money to help my sons through college but up until now I was unable to pay for courses for myself. Trends change with youngsters and educators need to stay on pace or they will not be able to connect. Personally, I need to keep up in the area of technology. I plan to use some of the winnings to take courses that will show me how to bring more technology into my Health classroom. I also plan to take courses that will give me the most updated information in the curriculum areas that I teach which are nutrition, mental health, substance prevention, first aid, and human sexuality. Finally, I plan to use the winnings to take courses that show me how to tie heart rate monitors and other technologies into the Physical education curriculum. I thank Free College Scholarships for giving me the opportunity to "go back to school".

Lydia Faulk

Image of Lydia Faulk

Hometown: Tampa, FL

Drawing Date: June 15, 2012

Hi, my name is Lydia Faulk. I am a single mom of two adorable boys. I am a CNA. I am a student at Brewster Technical School. It is really difficult balancing my family, work and school. I am so excited to have won this scholarship. When I received the phone call from 10KforSchool saying I had won the scholarship I was in shock. I am honored and grateful to have won this scholarship from 10KforSchool. It will really help a lot in paying for the tuition and books I need for my classes. Going to school while supporting my family is hard, but when I graduate from Brewster and start working it will be worth it. I will be able to give my boys the things they want and deserve. Thank you!

Amal Jeylani

Image of Amal Jeylani

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

Drawing Date: May 15, 2012

My name is Amal Jeylani I am from Minneapolis Minnesota; I attend Hennepin Technical College. I am more than happy to have received this scholarship because it means a lot. With this scholarship I can pay off all my school tuitions now and in the future. I am very thankful and appreciative to, thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.

Jessica DeFago

Image of Jessica DeFago

Hometown: Eden, GA

Drawing Date: January 02, 2012

Hello my name is Jessica Defago, I live in Eden, Georgia and I am a student at Armstrong Atlantic University. I am working towards my bachelor's degree in video film production with a minor in fine arts. My next college path is to attend Florida State College to begin my film/video studies. Each year I am at college cost more money for books, art supplies, cameras and tuition. Worrying about how to pay for everything is very stressful. I have chosen a career that needs technology as well as creativity. One day... I received a phone call saying I was a $10,000 scholarship winner. I fell to my knees and voiced "Now my dreams can become reality!" Now I can apply the money towards my tuition and cameras. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel. I have never won a contest before and especially one that will have a dramatic impact in my life. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this scholarship program and to the people who helped make this happen for me. I really feel blessed. Thank you, ScholarshipProvider!

Jim Lou

Image of Jim Lou

Hometown: Fresh Meadows, NY

Drawing Date: October 31, 2011

I am very happy to have the opportunity to win this proffered scholarship from Free College Scholarships. I am presently enrolled in a doctoral program at the Pace University campus in White Plains, New York. The tuition isn’t cheap. I am enrolled in a Doctor of Profession Studies in Computing program. It has been my long time dream to earn a doctoral degree. I am not a young person anymore so I feel that this is my last real opportunity to do so.The scholarship will go a long way towards paying of the remainder of this semester’s outstanding bill and help reduce the need for student loans, which can be odious. Thank you Free College Scholarships.

Abigail Masters

Image of Abigail Masters

Hometown: Connersville, IN

Drawing Date: September 30, 2011

My name is Abigail Masters. Everyone calls me Abby. I have two brothers and two sisters, and I love my parents. I also like hanging out with my friends from my hometown in Connersville, Indiana and from college. This is my first year at Anderson University in Anderson, where I am studying elementary education. I desire to be able to teach the earlier grades in elementary schools upon my graduation. I plan on using the scholarship to pay for my college, which includes tuition and books. I am very appreciative of this generous scholarship, as it will help me complete my education at Anderson University.

Maya Thomas

Image of Maya Thomas

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Drawing Date: August 31, 2011

My name is Maya Thomas. I am a hardworking mother of two beautiful children, one 6 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. I recently decided to go back to school at the age of 27. I started working towards my Associate's in Science Degree at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas this fall 2011. Going back to school has been a difficult yet great opportunity for me, and I am excited about earning a degree to better myself and the life and examples I am building for my children. I am thankful to have come across such a blessing as With the scholarship money I am able to pay for any classes as needed, buy books and needed supplies, purchase a laptop to use to better my education, and I plan to pay for my daughter to go to daycare full time at least a few days out of the week so that I have time to dedicate to school work. I am so excited at all the great things ahead of me, and this is just a push towards my strive to excellence.

Tonya Rhymer

Image of Tonya Rhymer

Hometown: Claymont, DE

Drawing Date: August 01, 2011

I'd like to say a heartfelt thanks to Scholarships4WorkingAdults for the $10,000 scholarship gift. My name is Tonya Rhymer, a single student aspiring to become a registered nurse. I attend Del-Tech Community College in Newark, Delaware, while working part-time aI was surprised and very happy when I was notified about winning the scholarship! I had enrolled in school and didn't know how I would pay for my tuition and books. I thank God for answering my prayer and performing this miracle. A couple of years ago I wanted to go bacOnce again, thank you Scholarships4WorkingAdults for giving me the opportunity to pursue my goal and give back to my community by taking care of the sick.over my books and supplies.

Joyce Shaw

Image of Joyce Shaw

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Drawing Date: June 30, 2011

I am Joyce Shaw, I was at work on the internet and thought that I would go on, and saw that there was a free scholarship give away... One day in the early part of July I received a call from a woman at Free College Scholarships leaving a mBelieve in yourself when things might seem impossible because it's possible, just have faith and believe. I want to say once again to Free College Scholarships, thanks a Million!!!! things.

Cynthia Barker

Image of Cynthia Barker

Hometown: Eatonton, GA

Drawing Date: June 01, 2011

WOW!!! After applying for scholarships throughout the last two years of being in school, I couldn't believe I was finally selected for $10,000.00!!! I am a 43 yr old single mother putting myself through school while trying to provide for my family! I am so excited!! This will help out with me finishing up my Education degree so that I may teach school and help other children accomplish their dreams too! Thank you so much to Scholarships4moms and for this wonderful experience and opportunity!

Alexandria Chandler

Image of Alexandria Chandler

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Drawing Date: March 31, 2011

Hello my name is Alexandria Chandler I am from St. Louis, Missouri. I plan to use this ten thousand dollar scholarship to help pay for books as well as tuition for the upcoming school year. I'm so grateful to have won this scholarship and I can't say thank you enough. This extra money will allow me to pay off my previous balance and it will also help out with future tuition. With that being said I would like to say thank you over and over again, this is a huge weight off my shoulders and I really appreciate it.

Stacy McLean

Image of Stacy McLean

Hometown: Linthicum, MD

Drawing Date: February 01, 2011

My name is Stacy and I am surprised to have won this scholarship from I am now pursuing my Master's degree in Nursing. I have always needed loans to pay for my education but with this scholarship my bill will be paid in full for the next year! Thank you